Custom Hooks
Defining custom Hooks
Component's stateful logic can be extracted into usable function by creating custom Hooks.
Consider that we have a component which subscribes to an agent and displays the messages sent to it.
use yew::{function_component, html, use_effect, use_state, Callback};
use yew_agent::Bridged;
// EventBus is an implementation yew_agent::Agent
use website_test::agents::EventBus;
pub fn show_messages() -> Html {
let state = use_state(Vec::new);
let state = state.clone();
use_effect(move || {
let producer = EventBus::bridge(Callback::from(move |msg| {
let mut messages = (*state).clone();
|| drop(producer)
let output = state.iter().map(|it| html! { <p>{ it }</p> });
html! { <div>{ for output }</div> }
There's one problem with this code: the logic can't be reused by another component. If we build another component which keeps track of the messages, instead of copying the code we can move the logic into a custom hook.
We'll start by creating a new function called use_subscribe
The use_
prefix conventionally denotes that a function is a hook.
This function will take no arguments and return Rc<RefCell<Vec<String>>>
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
fn use_subscribe() -> Rc<RefCell<Vec<String>>> {
This is a simple hook which can be created by combining other hooks. For this example, we'll two pre-defined hooks.
We'll use use_state
hook to store the Vec
for messages, so they persist between component re-renders.
We'll also use use_effect
to subscribe to the EventBus
so the subscription can be tied to component's lifecycle.
use std::collections::HashSet;
use yew::{use_effect, use_state, Callback};
use yew_agent::Bridged;
// EventBus is an implementation yew_agent::Agent
use website_test::agents::EventBus;
fn use_subscribe() -> Vec<String> {
let state = use_state(Vec::new);
let effect_state = state.clone();
use_effect(move || {
let producer = EventBus::bridge(Callback::from(move |msg| {
let mut messages = (*effect_state).clone();
|| drop(producer)
Although this approach works in almost all cases, it can't be used to write primitive hooks like the pre-defined hooks we've been using already
Writing primitive hooks
function is used to write such hooks. View the docs on for the documentation
and hooks
directory to see implementations of pre-defined hooks.