DOM nodes
There are many reasons why you might want to create or manage DOM nodes manually in Yew, such as when integrating with JS libraries that can cause conflicts with managed components.
Using web-sys
, you can create DOM elements and convert them into a Node
- which can then be
used as an Html
value using VRef
use web_sys::{Element, Node};
use yew::prelude::*;
use gloo::utils::document;
fn MyComponent() -> Html {
// memoize as this only needs to be executed once
let node = use_memo(
|_| {
// Create a div element from the document
let div: Element = document().create_element("div").unwrap();
// Add content, classes etc.
div.set_inner_html("Hello, World!");
// Convert Element into a Node
let node: Node = div.into();
// Return that Node as a Html value
// use_memo return Rc so we need to deref and clone
Dynamic tag names
When building a higher-order component you might find yourself in a situation where the element's tag name is not static.
For example, you might have a Title
component that can render anything from h1
to h6
depending on a level prop.
Instead of having to use a big match expression, Yew allows you to set the tag name dynamically
using @{name}
where name
can be any expression that returns a string.
use yew::prelude::*;
let level = 5;
let text = "Hello World!".to_owned();
html! {
<@{format!("h{}", level)} class="title">{ text }</@>
Boolean Attributes
Some content attributes (e.g checked, hidden, required) are called boolean attributes. In Yew, boolean attributes need to be set to a bool value:
use yew::prelude::*;
html! {
<div hidden=true>
{ "This div is hidden." }
This will result in HTML that is functionally equivalent to this:
<div hidden>This div is hidden.</div>
Setting a boolean attribute to false is equivalent to not using the attribute at all; values from boolean expressions can be used:
use yew::prelude::*;
let no = 1 + 1 != 2;
html! {
<div hidden={no}>
{ "This div is NOT hidden." }
This will result in the following HTML:
<div>This div is NOT hidden.</div>
String-like attributes
But apart from a select few boolean attributes, you will probably be dealing with a lot of string-like HTML attributes and Yew has a few options to pass string-like values to components.
use yew::{html, virtual_dom::AttrValue};
let str_placeholder = "I'm a str!";
let string_placeholder = String::from("I'm a String!");
let attrvalue_placeholder = AttrValue::from("I'm an AttrValue!");
html! {
<input placeholder={str_placeholder} />
<input placeholder={string_placeholder} />
<input placeholder={attrvalue_placeholder} />
They are all valid but we encourage you to favor Yew's custom AttrValue
, especially if you need to clone or pass them as properties to another component.
Optional attributes for HTML elements
Most HTML attributes can use optional values (Some(x) or None). This allows us to omit the attribute if the attribute is marked as optional.
use yew::prelude::*;
let maybe_id = Some("foobar");
html! {
<div id={maybe_id}></div>
If the attribute is set to None
, the attribute will not be set in the DOM.
Most HTML elements accept arbitrary HTML as children, however, there is a set of them that doesn't accept any children at all. These elements are called void elements, and they are:
<area />
<base />
<base />
<br />
<col />
<embed />
<hr />
<img />
<input />
<link />
<meta />
<param />
<source />
<track />
<wbr />
<textarea />
Attempting to provide children to these elements will result in a compilation error or, if the element tag is chosen dynamically, in a panic.
The case of <textarea>
The <textarea>
element is special; The modern HTML specification states that children of <textarea>
define its default value, however in Yew it's specified differently.
Instead of writing
<textarea>{"default value"}</textarea>
Which would fail to compile, it's customary to write
<textarea defaultvalue="default value" />