Version: 0.18.0


The html! macro allows you to write HTML and SVG code declaratively. It is similar to JSX (an extension to JavaScript which allows you to write HTML-like code inside of JavaScript).

Important notes

  1. The html! macro only accepts a single root HTML node (this obstacle is easily overcome by using fragments or iterators)
  2. An empty html! {} invocation is valid and will not render anything
  3. Literals must always be wrapped in quotes as well as braces (i.e. html! { <p>{"Hello, World"}</p> } is valid, but not html! { <p>Hello, World</p> } or html! { <p>"Hello, World"</p> }).

The requirement to need braces and quotes was not a deliberate design choice (just in case you're wondering)! It's needed in order to make parsing the tokens fed into the html! macro possible.


The html! macro can cause problems because it makes a lot of recursive calls. This means that it can exceed the default recursion limit of the compiler. If you encounter a compilation error (which might say something about "overflow" or "recursion limit reached") adding an attribute like #![recursion_limit="1024"] to your crate root should fix the problem.

Tag Structure

Tags inside the html! macros are heavily inspired by HTML tags. Components, elements, and lists all use the tag syntax.

Every tag must either either close itself (e.g. <br/>) or there must be a corresponding closing tag for each opening tag (e.g. <div></div>).

use yew::html;

html! {
<div id="my_div"></div>
use yew::html;

html! {
<input id="my_input" />

For convenience, elements which usually require a closing tag can be declared using the self-closing syntax (e.g. html! { <div class="placeholder" /> } is valid).


Tags become much more powerful once we start to nest them. Tags may have children (which can be other standard HTML tags or other Yew components).

use yew::html;

html! {
<div data-key="abc"></div>
<div class="parent">
<span class="child" value="anything"></span>
<label for="first-name">{ "First Name" }</label>
<input type="text" id="first-name" value="placeholder" />
<input type="checkbox" checked=true />
<textarea value="write a story" />
<select name="status">
<option selected=true disabled=false value="">{ "Selected" }</option>
<option selected=false disabled=true value="">{ "Unselected" }</option>

Special properties

Some properties aren't handed directly to the browser; instead Yew uses them when working out how to display your components.

Currently, there are two such special props: ref and key.

ref allows you to access and manipulate the underlying DOM node directly. See Refs for more details. This can be very useful if you want to interoperate with Javascript libraries (for example, to add a map or code editor written in Javascript that would not be feasible to rewrite in Rust).

key on the other hand gives an element in a list a unique identifier which Yew can use for to render lists more efficiently.


The documentation for keys is yet to be written. See #1263.

For now, use keys when you have a list where the order of elements might change. This includes inserting or removing elements from anywhere but the end of the list.

Relevant examples